with a boxing theme also made waves at the box office, with a strong opening in north India, crossing over Rs.27 crores during its run across India. The overseas collection of the Deol starrer has been pegged at a staggering $1 million! Small wonder that the John Abraham starrer Goal (with soccer as its theme) and UTV’s Hat Trick are patiently waiting in the wings to cash on this new sporty rush. “Sports provide that very essential emotional base on which the Indian junta thrives. If you look at Lagan for example, then you will notice that there was a very strong emotional connection between the villagers,” explains Adarsh. With producers, movie-goers, distributors and brands all eager to move with the sporty flow, this trend is becoming too hot to handle for even the real life sports stars. Sample what cricketing legend Kapil Dev told Planman Media: “It’s passion which is the driving force for us (sportsmen). Like Chak De has promoted hockey, I would not mind starring in a movie for my love of the game!” And if in this reel saga, real India’s prowess in the world of sports get a much needed shot in the arm, we’ll not be the ones complaining!
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008