Its influence is
pervasive. Right from restaurants being named after film stars to shops that sell mattresses sporting the name of actresses! Films are everywhere.” This ad comprises a wonderful collection of candid shots of this movie mania; juxtaposed with the repertoire of songs that Hutch is making available to its subscribers as caller tunes, building a strong association with the product in question. Throwing light on the lighter side of the shooting of the ad, Mani informs, “It was absolute bedlam when we shot the scene where people are scrambling to get tickets for the ‘first day first show’.” But that wasn’t the end of the mayhem and there was some more challenge to be faced by the team as they had to shoot on busy roads without letting people know, in order to get as many candid shots as possible. Furthermore, to communicate to the masses about Hutch’s repertoire of songs and the ease with which they can be downloaded as caller tunes, did not also seem very easy. Value added services such as caller tunes are playing a big role for telecom giants to further grow their markets.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008