Saturday, August 28, 2010

IIPM [ Live ] - IIPM Bhubaneshwar - Panel Discussion on the topic, “Advertising: Is it all about creativity or strategy”

On 10th July 2010, 4ps Club of IIPM Bhubaneshwar organized a Panel Discussion on the topic, “Advertising: Is it all about creativity or strategy”. The guests for the event were Mr. Prasanna Panda, Response Head- Indian Express, Mr. Debasish Sahu, Branch Manger- PPS Bhubaneshwar and Prof. Surya Das Mohapatra who played the role of moderator in the entire event.

Both the speakers had stressed on the core importance of the verticals of their respective industries. Mr. Prasanna Panda was very explicit and clear about his views on how an adjustable and practical balance has to be maintained when thinking of the success of an advertising campaign. Mr. Sahu of PPS was also very clear in explaining different attributes that influence the advertising industry. His clear distinction of strategy and creativity and how the combination of both the concepts has turned around the thinking in advertising industry was beautifully emphasized by him.

Students were delighted to be among the guests and thoroughly enjoyed the question and answer round. It was a real value addition for the young & dynamic future managers as they had got a 360 degree view of the Advertising Industry.