Even the best brand imagery needs a makeover. How about ‘feels like heaven, feels like Raymond’?
If one was to name some of the Indian te
xtile ‘brands’, not many would pop up instantly except may be one – Raymond! Brand Raymond carries with it imagery of emotional moments, nostalgia of good ol’ days and above all the feeling of wellness. Nothing but Raymond’s classy advertising can be credited for the sweet imagery attached with it. Say Raymond and somewhere in sepia tones that bald school teacher flashes who arrives at an ex-student’s marriage. Ever since its inception, 82 years ago, Raymond has become synonymous with gentlemen’s clothing – a mark of sophistication and prosperity. It is to this fine image, apart from the masterly crafted woollens, that propels Raymond into the super league of clothing brands, a feat surely worth applause, considering that there are not many Indian textile brands that enjoy a recall as that of Raymond. In its journey, Raymond has passed through the hands of many agencies, with each contributing its bit to the making of the brand. Since the beginning, it targeted the smart male who wanted to look good and the initial days boasted the tag-line ‘Chess King’ which was soon followed by the better known – ‘Guide to the well dressed male’. Then came the ‘The Complete Man’ which has been ruling in the consumer mind space ever since.
If one was to name some of the Indian te
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative
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