BASELINE : Big enough for anything
4Ps TAKE : An indecent job of a dec
ent web portal, that’s what this ad of Rediffmail is. Banking on the good old power of suspense, the ad gets beaten up because of this very aspect. It starts with talks between girls in the wash room about Raju’s ‘big’ possession. The possession becomes talk of the town with everyone questioning ‘Is it that big’? Finally when one guy manages to approach Raju and hereveals the secret – he ‘possesses’ an e-mail account with Rediffmail. com which has unlimited memory space and is ‘Big enough for anything’ (Oh! come on...). This is the cheapest way possible to position a feature which is today as common as an e-mail account, thanks to So, what’s all the fuss about Rediff. A shoddy way to get attention, which converts the whole suspense thing into a big bore and ultimately repulsive. This does leave one amused but only at the mindlessness of the ad and the lack of creative ideas with the agency! Go on Gmail, laugh out loud!
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
4Ps TAKE : An indecent job of a dec
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008