It’s again the same for wholesalers – medium and big – who have been trading their agri-produce after buying it from far
mers and small wholesalers. And it is this group that has been suffering the most due to the entry of FIIs and other big stock market players in commodity trading. As mentioned before, not only is this group now demanding a ban on futures commodity markets, but are also pleading for warning to be given to various similarly stuck traders. A spice merchant from Delhi provides an incriminating insight, “Total produce of small cardamom in India is 12,000 tonne, valued at Rs.480 million. A big trader can corner 80-90% of the produce through commodity exchanges making the prices skyrocket in open market...” The spice man may not be too much off the mark.
For Complete IIPM - Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link
Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy,
Initiative:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri

For Complete IIPM - Article, Click on IIPM-Editorial Link
Source:- IIPM-Business and Economy,
Initiative:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri