Saturday, July 14, 2012

Responsible leaders have to also look at comprehnsive stakeholder engagement

Leaders have to give the employees confidence that they will always be there for them under any circumstance provided they perform with complete dedication. Responsible leaders have to also look at comprehnsive stakeholder engagement and look to give back to society

In my dictionary, success is never about luck. It is all about “preparation” meeting “opportunity”. People who are prepared to seize their moment when it comes have been at the helm of landmark changes in society throughout the course of human history. And it is not just about those very obvious names through history like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. There are many people in various spheres who have created immense value for their organisations by being in the right place at the right time and also by maintaining the right kind of positive mindset.

Youngsters in today’s highly competitive world, where you are said to be either in the rat race or out of it, may find it hard to agree, but successful and fulfilling leadership is always about the right ethics and values. For instance, it is about what decision you take if your competitor does something unethical. Logically, you would like to follow suit, since refraining from doing so can lead to some depletion in your competitive positioning within the organisation. But one can also be profitable while remaining ethical.

As it is, a business can never be run on a short term basis. Short term plans can never take precedence over your long term goals. While compromising on ethics and values can give you short term results, glory in the long term belongs to those who play fair , who play the game of business according to RULES even when their competitors do not. For the community at large ultimately trusts and rewards the company that has an unblemished track record and an unflinching commitment to the larger good. Our group’s own experiences illustrate this very aptly. For instance, in the states of Bihar/Jharkhand, there was a lot of unrest that threatened companies operating there, but the Tata Group’s operations were not affected. The reason was that the concerned communities knew that our exit would also seriously affect our social activities in the area. And if that happened, the insurgents would themselves lose their support base in the region as a consequence.

And once you acquire wealth, it is your responsibility to give back to society individually or through your organisation. You have to keep yourself well aware of the situation that exists in the community around you and work towards their overall welfare. Leaders have to necessarily initiate and also lead the implementation of triple bottom lines in their organisations and know that every helping hand counts in the noble endeavour to improve the quality of life of people around you.

It is important that you have regular social audits and also ensure that the locals are deeply involved in the initiatives being taken for their welfare. More importantly, you have to believe that you are leaders of tomorrow for the 1 billion plus Indians and you are responsible for their welfare. If its leaders act ethically and responsibly, India will become the happy nation that J. R. D. Tata envisioned. For him that was far more important as an objective as compared to becoming an economic superpower.