Don't we love cocking a snook at rules and regulations? People of this vast nation that won freedom from the British the hard way still
seem to be fighting imaginary adversaries. We violate traffic rules, throw garbage wherever our heart desires and go all out to prove how tough we are by breaking basic norms of decency. How dare the municipal corporation tell us where to urinate and where not. We relieve ourselves on roadsides and on public walls at will. Our cities have turned into free-for-all urinals. In India, lovers are frowned upon if they hold hands or kiss in public, but it's perfectly to urinate or defecate out in the open. We spot a board that says "Photography prohibited" and we do everything we can to assert our freedom by posing before that very board and going click, click, click... Rules are made to be broken. Park your car under a no-parking sign, pluck flowers from gardens that are out of bounds and jaywalk with gay abandon meters away from a zebra crossing or a subway. We are Indians and we don't like to be dictated to.