CTL is more bad than good
When about 72% of crude oil requirements are imported,
CTL or the coal-to-liquids technology is ought to impress the polity. The three-member Investment Commission recommended CTL for India and is planning to start the same in next few months. Even the Indian finance minister is planning to give them select coal blocks. And as always, the pomp and show of this new initiative overshadowed the two most important aspects i.e. environment and health.
As per MIT study, this technology requires large energy inputs which in turn result in 2.5 to 3.5 times output of CO2 by burning conventional hydrocarbons. Long-term exposure to residues from CTL plant would result in Anaemia, Asthama and Leukaemia, and various other respiratory problems (as it was with Africa). India’s weak hold on implementing pollution control measures will increase the malaise many fold. Moreover, when the whole world is working on non-conventional sources of energy production, India is moving backwards with this highly capital intensive and highly polluting technology.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
When about 72% of crude oil requirements are imported,

As per MIT study, this technology requires large energy inputs which in turn result in 2.5 to 3.5 times output of CO2 by burning conventional hydrocarbons. Long-term exposure to residues from CTL plant would result in Anaemia, Asthama and Leukaemia, and various other respiratory problems (as it was with Africa). India’s weak hold on implementing pollution control measures will increase the malaise many fold. Moreover, when the whole world is working on non-conventional sources of energy production, India is moving backwards with this highly capital intensive and highly polluting technology.
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
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