“Our climate crisis is the paramount challenge facing humanity,” believ
es Kevin Wall, one of the masterminds of Live Earth. “Only a global response can conquer our climate crisis. SOS asks all people to Save Our Selves because only we can,” continues Wall. “We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobilise people all over the world to take action,” said Al Gore at the launch of Save Our Selves (SOS) – The Campaign for a Climate in Crisis. “The Climate Crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement. We hope to jump-start that movement right here, right now, and take it to a new level on July 7, 2007,” said Gore, the ex-Vice President of USA, whose hugely-successful documentary on global warming – An Inconvenient Truth – picked up several awards this year.
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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007
An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative