Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Begging Inc.

Why not legalise this industry?
As per Maharashtra Government, there are three lakh beggars on Mumbai roads. It is estimated that a beggar could earn anything between Rs. 50 to Rs.100 a day, making the begging industry worth a jaw-dropping Rs.2,000 crores at national level (Rs.80 crores in Mumbai alone). But then, behind this free-lunch kind of industry, runs an illegal industry too. There are numerous incidents where reputed doctors were found performing amputation surgeries on beggars for mere Rs.10,000. Beggars are reported to be involved with crimes and criminals groups also. For want for extra and easy money, female beggars oft en get hold of children and make them unconscious to use them as sympathy generating instrument for begging. Consequently, many of these children die or lose their mental balance due to these regular doses of sedatives. Much of the malaise pertains to the illegality of the trade, almost akin to the sex industry, which though thrives, has been kept illegal. The idea of making begging a legitimate trade need not be that blasphemous given the fact that in such cases many children could perhaps be saved from being made unwarranted foot soldiers of this massive trade.

For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2007

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative